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Dear Public,

Welcome to the FAQ page, your gateway to a greener and more sustainable future in the Cayman Islands.As part of our commitment to eco-sustainability, we’ve designed this resource to provide you with all the essential information about our project and the various ways we’re contributing to the preservation of our island’s natural beauty and resources.

Whether you’re curious about our initiatives, looking for tips on sustainable living, or wondering how to get involved, you’ll find the answers you seek right here. We believe that every small change has the potential to make a big impact, and we’re here to guide you on your journey towards a more eco-conscious and environmentally friendly lifestyle in the heart of the Caribbean.

Thank you for joining us on this exciting sustainability adventure at

Frequently Asked Questions


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Answer: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Answer: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Answer: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Q. Why are you using glass sand to restore coastal wetlands?

There is plenty of glass in Cayman, approximately 10,000 tonnes are imported every year! The biochemical and geotechnical properties of sand made from crushed recycled glass make it an ideal material for coastal restoration, as it is inert and behaves very similarly to natural sand. If we can reuse glass for coastal restoration we could turn a waste stream that currently just contributes To a growing landfill into a resource that promotes sustainability.

Q. Is that not dangerous or harmful to the environment?
No, the glass we use has been pulverised using a patented technology that removes any sharp edges and creates a soft-edged ‘friendly’ glass sand which is safe to handle and does not damage the ecosystems it is used in. To find out more about the process please check out Andela Products.

Q. Where will the research be carried out?
We are testing the mangrove restoration on two government owned sites near Scotts Barcadere close to George Town Yacht club. One is to the left of the lighthouse, the other is to the left of the pier. The seagrass restoration sites are all within the North Sound. Be sure to check our blog for pictures.
We are also starting a research study with Beacon Farms in Northside using glass sand to compliment our soils for improved drainage and growth for local produce.

Q. Where will the glass sand for the project be sourced from?
As we were unable to secure access to crushed glass on island, the glass sand for the project was kindly donated to us by our partners, Andela Products, and has been shipped down from New York state at considerable cost.

Q. What is the carbon footprint of the project and will this be offset?
Yes, we want to offset the carbon footprint associated with the shipments of crushed sand and anything else sourced off island. Once the container arrives, we can calculate the carbon emissions of its journey and determine how many new red mangroves need to be planted to offset this charge over a year.

Q. Does this mean glass will now be recycled in Grand Cayman?
Not quite yet! If this research is successful, it would strengthen the case for crushing glass on island and producing our own glass sand.

Q. When will you start to see results?
If all goes to plan (and no big storms!) the project will start in November and it will run for a minimum of 5 months. We will be monitoring the sites closely and assessing growth monthly. Check our news blog for updates!

Q. If it’s successful, what then?
If we can demonstrate that the approach is successful, the applications are potentially endless! We would like to expand our study to other wetland ecosystems on the island, to the sister islands and possibly even to other western Caribbean countries!

Q. How can I donate?
Any funds donated would allow us to secure more materials to expand our research to other areas. Please check our Contribute page for more information. Remember to ask your employer to match your contributions.

Q. How can I volunteer and other questions?

There are opportunities to volunteer in preparation for and on the days of our coastal work, from providing food and beverages for our coastal volunteers and helping in the bagging and transport process. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us at

Q. How can I receive updates?

Check our News page which will be regularly updated.